Thursday, May 31, 2007


I went to a baby shower. I brought the lucky woman a gift of a nursery painting. I hope she likes it. I wonder if I will have such a shower when I get pregnant...I suppose I should focus on the marriage part. I wonder when Sandy will get married? Will I be invited to the wedding?


Ellsworth and I have seemed to revive our romance. He's much more attentive to my needs and we seem to always be in the bed talking about our future plans and life at the moment. The hood council seemed to take my advice about the medical center to heart since they have increased the square footage of the center by adding a third floor, expanding the rehabilitation rooms and adding additional recovery rooms. I wish they would ask me to manage the facility. I would retire as Chief of Staff from SC Regional and help bring the Apple Valley Medical Centre to a better future!


So big-always hungry-cranky and uncomfortable. When will this child get here! AGHHHHH!!! I wish there was a magic lamp to rub and babies just appeared. I heard that it used not not be like this. That babies would appear from a cloud of flowers in a cute bassinet. Oh, what joy that would have been.


Our little family is expanding and I'm not sure that I can keep up with it. I worry that I won't bring in enough simoleans to support the family. Etta Leigh wants private dance lessons and singing lessons, and she'll be going to university soon which all cost plenty of simoleans. My little girl has big dreams...not sure about her talent. Pahala Shore is done for the season and we have an hiatus, thankfully I have a job next season. There have been some casting calls for other projects on the boards-not sure if I should/can audition for them. As long as they don't interfer with Pahala Shore.


Things are going along rather well. I had to preside over a few weddings and some funerals as well. Lots of elders are breathing thier last. I have to prepare for simSunday's sermon. Nicole has been inviting sims to the service and I am trying to make friends and form connections. Faith is growing bigger each day, such a wonderful child. I wonder if we will adopt another child? Nicole says that there's a little girl in the hood that she's worried about, B_____. Apparently her mother has no desire for her and her mother's husband doesn't want the child either. I would hate for the child to be neglected.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I've been taking breaks bewteen term papers and class cooking assignments. I found out about this interesting hood. It's kind of small, brand new in a way, but I would love to move there after graduation...maybe open a bakery. I could sell raisin buns and carrot muffins in the morning to the citizens, and chocolate eclairs in the evening. I bet I could make a bundle! That would be much better than baking for my great-uncle's coffee shop. They also have some nice looking ladies there...I wonder if they would dig a younger man?

It's Mah Birthday!

I'ma teen! Ima teen!!! whoopie!!! I can't wait to have lots of parties and fun fun fun!!! Now, I need to find the cute guys in the hood!


I went to eat at Euphoria and saw Sandy walking about with a gleam in her eye. She passed my table several times and flailed her arms about. Whatever for? Then finally she sat down and thrust her hand in my face. Ooo, I see. She's engaged and wanted to gloat. Well whooppdeedo for her. That was the point of moving here, right? To get married. I wonder if/when Johan will pop the question. We don't see each other as much as Sandy and Sazo (they live together), so we talk almost every night...I wonder...will we get married? We're not in a rush, but it would be wise to do it...eventually.


I'm engaged!!!! OOO!!! Sazo tooks me to dinner at Euphoria and the owner, Tatiana, the actress from Pahala Shore, cames to our table to greet us. I shoulds have known! Then there was the champagne and thens during our meal of ginger lime stuffed golden trout (which was yummers) Sazo puted the box on the table and I freak out! I said yea of cousre! Now I have to plans my weddingz. Yippes

Big Plans and Big Future

Whew! She said yes. I'm so happy. Yes...what a beautiful word.


Ugh, why won't this bebe hurry up? I-oh oh!!! Well, the baby came late this simday. A little girl named Blancita because of her pale skin. My father-in-law took the baby from me and sent me to bed with my husband. He said "Hurry give me a grandchild before I die!" I was so tired! Did I just leave one abuse to come to another?

Monday, May 28, 2007


Such a strange thing, both of my sons are expecting children. I visited them both, perhaps it's true what they say, a new birth means a new death...but why mother and father? Why now?

I will focus on my new grandchildren...and losing this weight I gained after my parents death. I will be the best grandmother!


I'm trying to stay focused on Selita, but it's hard. I miss Patricia very much. She is supposed to return this June. I wonder if she thinks of me? I think of her often, every simday. I try to kiss Selita and I see Patricia. I look at Selita's tummy and imagine my child-our child growing there, but I want it to be Patricia. If only we could run away from all this.

The Centre

The hood council offically manages "The Centre". We decided to transfer the deed to each hood president following each election. At the moment, since I'm the president I manage the lot. I'll visit the lot every simTuesday, simThursday and simSaturday, but residents are welcome to visit the lot any time. The facilities are the same, but a bit different. The biggest difference is the gift shop. We are selling coffee mugs, customized "I *heart* AV" tees, blankets, cupcakes and donuts. In the back of the shop, there's a small office for the newspaper. We're going to renovate the office and make it a bit bigger and also place some newspaper stands in the shop. We hired Clark Grey as the hood's journalist for the newspaper. He will also be in charge of the website, the library and the local paper. The next biggest change is that we added a children's section to the library. Whew! Now we need to hire a cashier for the gift shop, I need to focus on doing work in my office while I'm here.

I'm a Mother on Mother's Day

Early simThursday I became a mother. Ironic since it is also the simday that the hood honors the mothers. Will I do this right? Can I raise her effectively? Thank goodness Lyndon is here encouraging me every step of the way. Tatiana, my boss, was even kind enough to give me three simdays paid parent leave.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Future Daughter-in-Law

I met my future daughter-in-law at our twins graduation party on campus. She seems like a sweet girl, but she distrubs me. I'm not sure if she truly loves Joey or if there is something else going on. We talked about the recent rash of colds that spread through the hood, which was nice of her since she's not into health as much as she is into simoleans and business. She will be running the Farmer's Market. I suppose Joey would be there helping her out. I wonder where they would live? Her childhood home is quite crowded. Maybe the boarding house.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Normal Musing

Things are going well. I visited the renovated CupaJava for my caffeine fix. Sazo said that they are expecting a shipment of more teas and coffees so to try again the next simday if I didn't see what I was looking for. I was tempted to pick up some baked goodies, but thankfully I resisted...for now.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Community Director Note: Last Update

Leroy Mendenhall

Ayanna called and starting asking me some tough questions about the status of my goals on the hood council. This is not whatI needed, especially with managing the Farmer's Market and preparing for the Food Expo and the interruption with the whole Season's chaos. I'm not as young as I used to be. Thankfully my term is almost complete and I don't plan on running again. I want to enjoy my elderhood.

  • Establish a Family Day for residents to go outside the home/at home entertainment: Not accomplished-will promote families to use simSaturday for this day. Should a fine be instated for defiance of this?

  • Increase number of parties thrown: not accomplished-most families celebrate with cake inviting only immediate family members. Perhaps give out best party awards. Best party of the simweek?

  • Build a university house: Done, however the house functions as a dorm to house ten students: five males/females in two double rooms and one single room (for the RA) per sex.

  • Reduce discrimination amoung elders: not started. most elders are content with jobs in the city, did set up a automatic pension plan for OFB elder employees.

  • Encourage groups to meet regularly and correct current group lists: not done, with the Seasons chaos this is better to be put off for next term.

For the next term recommend delegating tasks to other sims as such:

  • Community Director Tasks: Secure family values, uphold rights for children and elders, ensure a family friendly and healthy community for current and future generations. Ensure a quality education system for residents. Ensure adequate culture, local food produce, restaurants and bars, and social meeting places.

  • Medical Director Tasks:Perform research about medical issues of sims, ensure the quality of living in the hood via environmental testing for viruses, educating residents on healthy habits and staying abreast of the latest medical advancements.

  • Archives and Technology Director Tasks:Assist in the management of family tree information, collect community & residents registry, manage the local library. Manage the website.Test and implement 3rd party technology and perform back-ups of resident information.

I also suggest that we give those sims a small stipend for thier duties, however they would not have voting rights on the Hood Council, but would merely serve as directors of hood related tasks. This gives more residents responsibility for hood matters and spreads the burden off the hood council members who are not paid as full-time employees and must manage other duties and jobs.

Sweet Rebecca

Rebecca's so cool! I want to ask her to the Apple Dumpling Ball, but Jorge and I are headed to university this simday. I must leave her behind. Will she remember me? Will she still like me? I want to be a nurse, she wants to run her parent's toy store. Can we have a future? She's so young, I wonder what will happen.


I'm worried about Cassandra, she's been taking the death of her parents mighty hard. I sent her to the new community lot-Jacob's Vineyard, so that she could relax and get some lunch and visit the spa. She ended up leaving early and coming home to raid the fridge and cry. She's picking up weight and I'm concerned for her health. Thankfully the memorial service will be soon. I am taking the day off and the children will not go to school. I hope she gets better, I don't know how to comfort her in this time of sorrow.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


I'm showing now, actually I popped out even more this evening, but this photo was before then. Astaire and I visited the hood's welcome center and we both brought new suitcases. I don't know why, it's not like we're going on a trip anytime soon...are we? I've been having a strange dream about moving? Are we going to move? Where? I hope we have twins-a boy and a girl, that way I won't have to get pregnant again. This sux! I can't play any gigs and I'm stuck inside at home all day :(

New Duties

Woohoo!!! Not only will I be a father soon, but I am now a hood employee-actually, the first hood employee!!! They needed a journalist for the local paper and I applied and won the job. I have an office at The Centre-it's small, but it will do nicely for now. I write articles for the paper and submit them to the SUN board, I also manage the library and help students with thier research, I am now in charge of hood archives as well. I manage the history and family trees of the hood. *whew* It's a lot of work! I have a small daily salary and a stipend for my other work. Like my new camera?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Hood Council Note: Hood Council Report

The new term will begin soon and Ayanna asked us all to submit a council report of our tasks and recommendations.

My goals for the term:

  • Build upon the current business laws: done, a very intensive law has been drafted and approved

  • Revisit taxes and find an easy system to deduct taxes and fees: done, taxes are now taken every simMonday. Residents must obtain thier payment invoices by this simFriday and set-up the payments to the hood council. This makes the payments automatic, need to determine where the payments will go.

  • Establish a program for Small Business Loans: not done

  • Build a Community Memorial Gardens: done and successful

  • Revamp Celebration Park: done, but a bit crowded with the new features, may have to build a second park


  • Might need to divide tasks a bit more. It is difficult to manage the real estate of the hood, especially things like parks, however do not see a clear way to divide the tasks as of yet, except to have more resident input or maybe hire a part-time consultant to control the real estate issues of the hood since this isn't a full time issue.

  • Financial Director Tasks: Oversee hood finances, implement taxes and welfare support. Coordinate local trades and import based on needs of the community, oversee local businesses and associated laws, collect taxes and fees from residents.

  • Real Estate Consultant Tasks:Manage community lots, construction of new homes and destruction of homes. Manage the local real estates and architectural planning of the hood, including any community lots, general beautifying and landscape community gardens, recreation areas and health of animals and native plants.

Financial Director Note: Hood Council Report

Ka'Obi Sweeny

The new term will begin soon and Ayanna asked us all to submit a council report of our tasks and recommendations.

My goals for the term:

  • Build upon the current business laws: done, a very intensive law has been drafted and approved

  • Revisit taxes and find an easy system to deduct taxes and fees: done, taxes are now taken every simMonday. Residents must obtain thier payment invoices by this simFriday and set-up the payments to the hood council. This makes the payments automatic, need to determine where the payments will go.

  • Establish a program for Small Business Loans: not done

  • Build a Community Memorial Gardens: done and successful

  • Revamp Celebration Park: done, but a bit crowded with the new features, may have to build a second park


  • Might need to divide tasks a bit more. It is difficult to manage the real estate of the hood, especially things like parks, however do not see a clear way to divide the tasks as of yet, except to have more resident input or maybe hire a part-time consultant to control the real estate issues of the hood since this isn't a full time issue.

  • Financial Director Tasks: Oversee hood finances, implement taxes and welfare support. Coordinate local trades and import based on needs of the community, oversee local businesses and associated laws, collect taxes and fees from residents.

  • Real Estate Consultant Tasks:Manage community lots, construction of new homes and destruction of homes. Manage the local real estates and architectural planning of the hood, including any community lots, general beautifying and landscape community gardens, recreation areas and health of animals and native plants.

President Note: Hood Council Report

Ayanna Kent
Things have been flying in my mind regarding the hood council and the administration of the hood. Should we elect the council members for life terms? or remain with the two simweek term? Should we try to have more residents manage hood businesses like the medical center and The Centre which is home to the hood council offices and gift shop. We're looking into creating customized Apple Valley paraphernalia like cups and t-shirts and maybe some photo prints. I need to sit down and focus on the hood a bit more, it's hard to focus on it when I have another job as well. Perhaps we can look into making the hood council members full time employees and increasing thier salaries as such...or at least the hood president should become a full time employee. Hmmm, so much to think about.

With the new term approaching I need to complie a report of the hood council's tasks and achievements.

The status of my goals this term:

  • Host a family for the SUN Exchange for one simweek: looking for a family to host, sent one family to Palatial Heights, budgeted for a family to come to Apple Valley and have a family signed up for the SUN Exchange.

  • Participate in all SUN Activities: done-Food Expo starts this June, budget for the event is set and business owners have applied for grants, signed up a family for the SUN Exchange

  • Re-Establish fines/community service for conflicts: not done, looking at the need to establish a jail or simply impose fines. Might need to start charging fines for damage to trash cans, stealing of newspapers and other minor events. At the moment, no distrubrances noted.

  • Increase local military by building military base and offering military scholarships to university students in exchange for service: not done, military career is full, no need for additional sims, however with the two military sims approaching elderhood, this scholarship may need to be offered during the next term. Must need to stay prepared.

Recommendations for next hood council term:

  • Finding a Security Officer to train local troup for secret commands, maintain international security including the transport of deadly viruses via object deliveries. Prevent criminality, solve local conflicts, manage domestic security. Also, would oversee the jail if one is ever built.

  • The Hood President would focus on the following tasks: Coordinating the Hood Council's work, being the voice and face of Apple Valley, coordinate hood council meetings, official spokesim for the hood. Manage foreign alliances, enforce laws and immi-/emigration, serve as SUN Core member.

  • Increasing the salary of the council members

  • Making the hood president a full-time position with an increased salary to manage thier livihood

  • Taking over The Centre as a OFB lot and hiring local residents to manage the gift shop, and the newspaper office.

  • Creating Apple Valley paraphernalia like cups, t-shirts, photo prints, etc.

Hood Council Note: Hood Council Report

Things have been flying in my mind regarding the hood council and the administration of the hood. Should we elect the council members for life terms? or remain with the two simweek term? Should we try to have more residents manage hood businesses like the medical center and The Centre which is home to the hood council offices and gift shop. We're looking into creating customized Apple Valley paraphernalia like cups and t-shirts and maybe some photo prints. I need to sit down and focus on the hood a bit more, it's hard to focus on it when I have another job as well. Perhaps we can look into making the hood council members full time employees and increasing thier salaries as such...or at least the hood president should become a full time employee. Hmmm, so much to think about.

With the new term approaching I need to complie a report of the hood council's tasks and achievements.

The status of my goals this term:

  • Host a family for the SUN Exchange for one simweek: looking for a family to host, sent one family to Palatial Heights, budgeted for a family to come to Apple Valley and have a family signed up for the SUN Exchange.

  • Participate in all SUN Activities: done-Food Expo starts this June, budget for the event is set and business owners have applied for grants, signed up a family for the SUN Exchange

  • Re-Establish fines/community service for conflicts: not done, looking at the need to establish a jail or simply impose fines. Might need to start charging fines for damage to trash cans, stealing of newspapers and other minor events. At the moment, no distrubrances noted.

  • Increase local military by building military base and offering military scholarships to university students in exchange for service: not done, military career is full, no need for additional sims, however with the two military sims approaching elderhood, this scholarship may need to be offered during the next term. Must need to stay prepared.

Recommendations for next hood council term:

  • Finding a Security Officer to train local troup for secret commands, maintain international security including the transport of deadly viruses via object deliveries. Prevent criminality, solve local conflicts, manage domestic security. Also, would oversee the jail if one is ever built.

  • The Hood President would focus on the following tasks: Coordinating the Hood Council's work, being the voice and face of Apple Valley, coordinate hood council meetings, official spokesim for the hood. Manage foreign alliances, enforce laws and immi-/emigration, serve as SUN Core member.

  • Increasing the salary of the council members

  • Making the hood president a full-time position with an increased salary to manage thier livihood

  • Taking over The Centre as a OFB lot and hiring local residents to manage the gift shop, and the newspaper office.

  • Creating Apple Valley paraphernalia like cups, t-shirts, photo prints, etc.

Monday, May 21, 2007

What Next?

Business is going well, I'm planning on proposing to Sandy, the weather is warming and things are going well. But, what's next? We're going to start selling bags of flavored coffee and teas (the shipment arrived and it's delicious), also we pre-ordered the autobiographies from Pennelson Publishing, dad's busy with baking and we're budgeting for hiring a baker as he's getting older and will want to retire soon. We need to do some renovations to the building, make it a better flow for customers.


I proposed to Giselle Mendenhall. She's so sweet and nice to me. She helps me with homework a lot. She said yes. I am happy. Sims say I'm dumbz but she luvs me and she sayz yes! I will graduate soon from university. I think I'll move to the boarding house and find a job, I have to pay back these loans for skool.

Baby Hurry Up

I wish this child(ren) will hurry up. I am very clumsy while pregnant. I am not used to this weight in front of me, pulling me down and keeping me off balance. I know that Antonio will want a child of his own, so I will have to endure this state of pregnancy again in the future. Good news, Luis and Antonio have installed a small salon and clothing store in the art gallery. I give makeovers to the residents. Right now the make-overs are free so that I may get more practice, but I like it. I like picking the perfect haircut, the perfect shade of blush and making a sim look spectacular!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Business is going well. Rebecca is learning the ropes at crafting toy bricks and she's even helping at the register at times. Sometimes I catch her helping customers find items or encouraging them to buy a gift for thier child. I think she will do well with the business. Very well. Ray is in university. He wants to be a pastry chef for his great-uncle's store, CupaJava. I might have to visit and talk with the family about that.

Great >(

I'm pregnant. Great, just swell! This really throws a wrench into my career plans. Clark is estatic, naturally. He doesn't have to worry about morning sickness, some hot shot taking your spot at the lab, his body swelling to the size of a house. Pregnant! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!


WooHoo!!! Love it! ^_^

Sazo is wonderfuls man-wonderfulz!


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Medical Centre

The Medical Centre is calling our name. Should we take over the centre and help it bring in new customers? Give lectures and educate the hood about thier health or should we retire in peace? We went to the centre and ran into Ayanna Kent, the hood president. I had a few words for her regarding the facility and she asked me to give a proposal at the next hood meeting. I shall! The centre needs updated equiptment and more room. The swimming pool can barely hold two sims and the rehabilitation room is crowded with it's equiptment. Maybe a third floor would help bring in some neccessary room.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Family Enlarging

Selita is preggie. She's not showing yet, but the test was positive. Preggy. I am going to be a father. I called Clark to tell him the good news and he tells me that Elda is preggy too! Ha! Guess us twins are having babies at the same time! I wonder if we will have twins! Mother is excited, she is going to be a grandmother. I wish grandmother and grandfather could have seen thier little great-grand kiddies. The funeral will be simFriday. We will have to take the day off to attend the funeral. Mother said it will be small according to thier wishes and then a public viewing will be later at the gravesite.


I'm pregnant with our third child. I barely show, thank goodness. Unfortunately the doctor said that I will need to stay at home. Thankfully I draw maternity leave from work otherwise we'd have to depend on A'ron's income from his projects and at the moment, they are drying up on him. He has another season with Pahala Shore and his paycheck from the Arrendale Heights bit will come soon. Etta Leigh has decided that she will pursue a music career. Thankfully I used my position on the hood council to get her a job tuning the piano at The Centre and she spends evenings practicing the bass guitar...badly.

Business is Booming

I am glad we decided to add the bakery to CupaJava. It has been a hit. Residents love the new cakes and pastries. Sazo and I are going to add a selection of coffees and teas in addition to the books and magazines. I must contact Pennelson Publishing to get the latest copies of thier books. I hear the autobiographies of Josie Harlow and Carla Niven are going to be released soon.


Granny let me ride in her limo from work! It was amazing! All the sims at the law office were jealous when the limo pulled up and then I got in and left with granny. Mom said that granny is getting old and might not be here much longer, especially since her friend Starr Grey died. We're going to the funeral since granny was good friends with her.


Mother and father are dead. Old age. I am still in shock. The pastor dropped by to make sure that the family was alright and to discuss the arrangements. Thankfully they left very detailed instructions, so we are preparing for thier funeral this simFriday. That should leave plenty of time for annoucements and other arrangements to be made. I must buy some funeral snapdragons and dresses for the girls, the boys need to be notified, I...I think I need a cup of tea...

I'm Married

I'm married, she's pregnant, it's not my kid. The pastor stopped by the house and married us. Dad was estatic, but made me promise to produce an heir with this woman. I barely know her! Dad said I will grow to love her. Grow to love her? We shall see about that.

Monday, May 14, 2007

A Real Live Date

Johan and I went on a real date. We visited Tiki Joe's for a quick bite to eat and then a few rounds of bowling. It was fun. We will have to go out again. I am still learning with my trainee job and hopefully soon I will gain my bronze badge in flower arranging. Right now I've been working on the register as a cashier-it's hard work. All those buttons! Yikes! I also made a few simoleans by selling some fish and produce to the Farmer's Market. I recieved $1800 for all the produce and fish. Maybe I can fish more often and then save money in order to buy the florist shop later on. Maybe Johan will help me buy it, maybe...maybe...


Wow. God has been amazing. Simply amazing. Our faith has been through a test, but because of our faith we now have Faith!

It's amazing. We had almost given up hope. The fertility treatment resulted in a miscarriage, the adoption agency would never come by with our child. Then amazing! Very amazing! Nicole and I woke up this simThursday morning very early in the morning (about 1:30am) full of energy and restless. I headed outside (in the rain) to check on our tomato plants and Nicole was working on tidying the house up. Lo and behold, a blue van pulls up outside our door! The adoption agency was stopping by with our child! Our child!!!

We are now the proud parents of little Faith Humphrey. She's a cutie, medium skin and bright blue eyes. Nicole and I have been in awe. It doesn't matter that we now have a loan of $7000 (IVF treatment and adoption fees) that must be repaid. That loan is just part of the evidence of the struggle we went through to get little Faith. She is priceless

Friday, May 11, 2007


Elda and I are trying to have a baby. My blog is going well, rather interesting to have the opportunity to write a blog on the synthetics industry. I love it. Elda still teaching biology at Snooty Academy.

I found a new machine-it can change the weather. I madde it snow! hahahaha! Opps, did I turn it off? I don't remember.

No Baby Despite Desperate Measures

Still no baby. We've been experimenting with some desperate measures now. We tried fertility treatments, which are very expensive, $5000 each try. It would figure that we lost the embryo...embryo...why do they call it an embryo. It's a child.


The simWednesday night service was ok. I was tired, only three sims showed up. Maybe simSunday will be better. I will personally call residents to invite them over then.


Why does it seem like the joy of parenthood eludes us.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


My baby brother celebrated his child birthday. It was rather eventful. We ate cake and that's about it. I help in the store after school. Sometimes I work the cash register, other times I help customers find items. Mum and Pop said that they will buy me my very own toy crafting station. I am excited. I will learn how to make toy bricks first and then kites! I wonder if I should go to university. I think I would do better training here at the store for those four simdays. I haven't asked mum and pop yet.

No Luck

I finally started working at Tati's. I was waiting a little while until the adoption procedures were complete, but they're taking ages to process our application. They approve us and then no baby, they say it will take a bit longer due to our circumstances and still no baby. Are we meant to have a chile? Maybe we are destined to be without children? No, I refuse to believe so.

Lyndon has been spending his time counseling the residents about children and marriages and the like. I hope they come to service this simday.

No Luck

I finally started working at Tati's. I was waiting a little while until the adoption procedures were complete, but they're taking ages to process our application. They approve us and then no baby, they say it will take a bit longer due to our circumstances and still no baby. Are we meant to have a chile? Maybe we are destined to be without children? No, I refuse to believe so.

Lyndon has been spending his time counseling the residents about children and marriages and the like. I hope they come to service this simday.


Sazo and I are getting alongz greate. We're evens talking marriage. I'm nervous! I mean, I would love to marrys Sazo, he's a great man, but wow! It sometimes seems as if we're movings too fast, other times it seems like time is standing still. I supposez we's been on plenty of dates and we love each other, but I'm not surez what marriage will be like. We haven't discussed kiddos, or my carreerz. Right now I work at a computerz game designs firm downtown. I mash buttonz mosts days, but I wonderz will I help with the store-CupaJava-when we marriyz or will I keep my jobz. To be honestz, I don't likes my jobs anyhow. I rather work with clothingz. I like designingz and doodlings fashion clothz. Maybe I could start a beauty salonz, but I don't have any skillz there either. Jadhira makes it look so easy-she's a trainee with a florist shop and she knowz what she wants to do. I don't konw. I could do itz all. Desizn clothz, own beauty shops, mash buttons, too badz no businessez are hiring.

At least I get to keep my surname ^_^ Sazo will be taking my name-Warwick. They don't have strict rulez on who claims wgo's surname in Apple Valley. I wonder when we would marry?


Jadhira and I have had an official date. We met in her backyard and ate grilled fish. Then we danced in the rain. She's a fascinating woman. Very nice. We talked about my students and her training with the florist shop. She wants to take over the shop one day. Which means she will need to save simoleans to buy the shop-sounds easy, except that she's not getting paid very much. She doesn't pay room or board-in fact, she owns the apartment over the florist shop, she brought it with the money she traveled with, but she's barely making enough to keep groceries in the fridge, let alone get decent furniture and save money to buy the shop later on. Is that fair? We're going out again. She wants to go to the grand opening of Tati's, so we're doing that on simThursday, but before then I want to take her skating. I never been skating before!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


My cousin and his wife have left to go to Palatial Heights. They will be back at the end of May. I hate that! We have a gig for simWednesday and he bailed! That's ok, I'll do the gig alone and get all the tips! Ha! That'll show him!

I want to have a baby. I don't like babies, but Astaire has been...distracted...maybe a kiddo will keep him invested in our marriage. Yea, a baby.

Monday, May 7, 2007


Cassandra and I are getting older, also her parents are getting older. I've noticed that they are moving slower and I fear that soon they will be bedridden and then their time...will be done. I think they know it too. They have been talking about what kind of funeral they want, what flowers on their grave site and even what poems should be read. I wish I could get Starr's old trophies, she misses them and it would be great to bury her with them.

Bad news, I am no longer the manager at CupaJava. I am now just a cashier...for now. Apparently I'm too "bossy", isn't that my job? Well now I manage the bakery section which smells delicious! I still get to help out more than a normal cashier. I will help plan the new shipment of coffee in the store and rearrange the magazine and reading area for more efficiency.

New Job

I quitted my job as the drive through manager at Burger Barn. I am now the executive chef at Euphoria. I have been spending a lot of times learning the news receipes from Tatiana and they are tasty! I like my new job!


My stint with Arrendale Heights is almost over...I think I put a little too much into my character. I am bored. I finished my scenes with Pahala Shore ages ago, I only have one more scene to film for the finale. Ka'obi and I are trying to have a child and Etta Leigh is...well, goodness that child gives us a bit of trouble every now and again. Thankfully she's not as bad as her counterpart-Hazel Starr. I need more work.

I went to Amata's house to talk about the industry along with Tatiana. Amata's having better luck than I am, she has a callback for a new soap and she might be the first face of Apple Valley on the new news channel...maybe if she gets the call back for the soap, I could audition for the news. *sigh* I desperately need more work.

Friday, May 4, 2007

I've Moved In

I've (Carmela Lopez) have moved in with the Herendez family. It has been a scary trip. Thankfully I tracked down a distant relative here in Apple Valley (Elaine Dawson, we're related through a common ancestor-Maurice Dawson) and I was granted a temporary visa. I had to leave that place as quickly as possible. I probably would not have survived much longer-they were not using me as much and I could tell that I had become a liability. I couldn't take the abuse much longer.

Antonio Herendez agreed to marry me-thus making my visa permenant. His father is pleased, I'm hispanic-apparently that was the only requirement for his daughter-in-law. I tried to cook, but the omelettes caught on fire. I contemplated tossing myself into the flames to end this misery.

I'm pregnant-there's no way to tell who the father is, especially since I was used so...shamefully. But I survived...I think. My pregnancy means that Antonio and I will marry in a quiet ceremony in the garden. I don't know if I would do the same if I were him.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Business as Usual

Finally we rehired the old employees-well, most of them. Silas is back working with us as a barista, or is it baristo for men? Matthew is back, not as a manager as before, but a cashier. We decided it would be best since Sazo and I both work at the shop and we can do sales and misc work around the store. I've been baking cakes and pies as fast as I can, but we still sell out of them rather quickly.

We're ordering custom uniforms for the staff, a new menu board for the shop and I'm even importing some new recipes to sell new baked goods in the store. I must admit, Sazo made a good move by expanding the coffee shop to sell baked goods and books as well. He is considering adding a small section to sell coffee makers, but I think we should focus on custom items.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I finally met Johan Dawson in the flesh...eghhh, not very much to look at, I'll admit it, but we started talking and wow...I see why the residents said I should meet him. He's a delightful man. Unfortunately he abadoned his dreams of the medical field to pursue a career in education.

His mother invited me over for dinner-his little sister baked a pie and we ate that. He had just arrived from work-a bit stinky as well-but it was interesting conversation.

I found some new sari's, I like them very much. I cut my hair as well, I will have to post some photos.

I wonder how mama is doing.
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