Apple Valley Educational System

Apple Valley Educational System
Apple Valley has an excellant education system that instills the very best in all our students. For details on our educational program from kindergarten-advanced degrees, please refer to our handbook.

Apple Valley Academy
Principal: Ilila Peterson

Secondary School Teacher, simlish and history: Jesse Kent
Secondary School Teacher, math and science: Krissy Thorn
Primary School Teacher (5-6): Rosemarie Miller
Primary School Teacher (3-4): Henry Mendenhall 
Primary School Teacher (2-3): Walter Gibson
Primary School Teacher (K-1): Jasmine Frankson

Music Teacher, part-time: Gretchen Humphrey
Dance Teacher, part-time: Susie Wren

Art Teacher, part-time: Veronika Kent
Physical Education Teacher, part-time: Verde Herendez

Application for Graduation from AVA: CSE=13+; CHE=3+; CIE=3+

Pierce University Premier university education.
Professor of Science: Johan Dawson

University of Apple Valley

Kimkura University Study aboard experience for university students

Wilsonoff Technical (WilTech) Community College: vocational education
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