Apple Valley Administration and Laws-Wayback

My old freewebs website was lost, but I found it on wayback machine. so here are some articles from the original website.

Apple Valley Administration and Laws

Apple Valley's laws have been assembled into a book that is called the Code of Ordinances. These ordinances regulate many activities within the hood and its operations. Please click below for more details regarding the laws of Apple Valley.
Code of Ordinances
Residential Rights & Laws
Information on Apple Valley's laws governing the residents.
Business Laws
Information on Apple Valley's laws governing businesses.
Import Laws
Information on Apple Valley's import laws as well as a list of approved importers.
Organizations/Group Laws
Information on groups in Apple Valley and the laws governing them.
Hood Council & Elections
Information on Apple Valley's governing body, including council notes, current members and more.
Hood Fees & Taxes
Information on Apple Valley's taxes & fees.
Hood Salaries & Welfare
Information on Apple Valley's salaries & welfare system.
Hood Budget
Information on Apple Valley's budget
Help for Other Hoods
Behind the Scenes
Information on the tools Apple Valley uses to manage it's hood.

Residential Rights & Laws

Surname Ownership:
  • Only one lot can be owned per surname.
  • A household can contain 2-8 Sims.
  • 1 sim households are not allowed, and must be dealth with within 3 simdays.
  • No more than two households may reside on a single residential lot.
  • A limit of 10 households in the hood.
  • Families moving to an empty lot must wait until simMonday to move to ensure that all residents are on the same timetable.
  • Only one new household can immigrate every seven simdays [only on simMondays].
  • A household can emmigrate at any time.
  • All life stages remain the same as MAXIS scientists envisioned except for teenagers. When a teen has four simdays left in thier lifespan, they can either enter university for four simdays or continue living thier remaining simdays as teens.
  • Fees and Fines will be collected every simMonday for the following simweek.
  • *removed*
  • Inheritance is determined on a family to family basis. However there may only be ONE family home in the hood. For example, say Family A has three children. Only one child can inherit the Family A home, the other two children may not own property using thier original surname, however they are free to marry into other families or rent property. SeeSurname Ownership.
Career Capping
  • *removed*
  • Due to the distance to downtown SimCity, all residents are encouraged to work for a local business


All organizations/groups must be registered with the hood council. Groups are limited to eight sims, once a group is full, another chapter of the group may register. If a group fails to keep at least two members, fails to meet regulary or create a calling list, thier registration will expire.
Please see the Community Life section for more details about particular groups.

Business Laws

  • There is currently a restriction to a total of 10 local community lot businesses owned by residents. 
  • There are no restrictions to home businesses.
  • Business concepts consisting of crafted items (robots, flowers, etc) must be located on a community lot.
  • Each household can only serve one business per simday, regardless of location, but can operate multiple lots through managers.
  • Opening hours must be less than or equal to 40 hours a simweek, work days are eight hours or less a simday.
  • Max of eight employees per business.


Due to several viruses and tainted objects, all imports must be tested before the hood allows implemenation of the product. Imports must be approved by the Archives/Technology Officer.
Please consult the Approved Vendors for Imports list for a short listing of vendors that do not require prior approval and testing before importing thier products or services.
 Approved Vendors for Imports
Around the Sims 2
Sims Squirts
website currently disabled

Hood Council & Elections

I.  The Hood Council is the legislative and policy making body for the government of Apple Valley. Apple Valley has three Hood Council members.The council members are elected every 14 simdays (two simweeks) or via a special election once one member dies.
II. Each member recieves a $1000/simweek stipend for thier term except the president who recieves $5000/simweek. In return member must attend simweekly meetings with the Hood Council and general public, meeting at least once a week with just the Hood Council, becoming friends or having an amicable working relationship and talking on the phone every other simday with other council members to stay abreast of policy. 
III. Council members are elected by a combination of popular vote and an Election Score. The rubic for the Election Score is:
skill level 
(low [less than 15 skill points total=1]medium [16-35 skill points total=2]
high [36+ skill points total=3])
+ career level (1 point for each business rank or badge level)
+ perferred aspiration/career (1 point for each perferred item) 
+ non-family friends (1 point for each friend) 
Residents must submit thier candidancy on day 10 of the current hood council term. Candidates then participate in several debates and speeches before the residents vote on day 13 of the current hood council term with the results made public on day 14 of the hood council term.
President/SUN SpokesimPerferred career/aspiration: business/politics/law; popularity aspiration
Coordinate the Hood Council's work, coordinate hood council meetings, official spokesim for the hood. Manage foreign alliances, enforce laws and immigration/emigration, serve as SUN Core member. Oversees administrative business lots (The Centre, Memorial Church & Gardens and The Medical Centre).

Financial Director:
Perferred career/aspiration: business; fortune aspiration
Oversee hood finances, implement taxes and welfare support. Coordinate local trades and import based on needs of the community, oversee local businesses and associated laws, collect taxes and fees from residents.  Manage the local real estates including construction of new homes, remodeling of homes and destruction of homes.Serve as bank manager.

Community Director: Perferred career/aspiration: education/OFB/homemaker; family aspiration
Secure family values, uphold rights for children, elders and animals, ensure a family friendly and healthy community for current and future generations. Manage the architectural planning of the hood, including general beautifying and landscape.Ensure adequate culture, local food produce, restaurants and bars, and social meeting places.

President/SpokesSim: Ayanna Kent - mail
Ayanna Kent is currently serving her second term to the hood council.
Financial Director: Matthew Grey
Matthew is currently serving his first term to the hood council after replacing Ka'Obi Sweeny who emmigrate.

Community Director: Rayne Wilsonoff
Rayne Wilsonoff is currently serving her first term to the hood council.
CIVIC APPOINTMENTSThere are civic appointment positions that residents can apply for. Each civic appointment receives a salary, benefits and/or profit sharing from thier duties. The appointments can be nullified at any time due to lack of performance of staff
Medical Centre Director: Jan Dawson
Perferred (former)career/major/aspiration: medical; biology; knowledge aspiration. 
Serve as manager of the medical centre and recieves salary based on skills and performance. Perform research about medical issues of sims, ensure the quality of living in the hood via environmental testing for viruses, educating residents on healthy habits and staying abreast of the latest medical advancements. Recieves salary based on skills and performance.

Archives/Technology Officer: Li Yoo SweenyPerferred (former)career/major/aspiration: science/journalism/gamer; physics; knowledge aspiration. 
Assist in the management of family tree information, collect community & residents registry, manage the local library. Test and implement 3rd party technology and perform back-ups of resident information. Protect against the transport of deadly viruses via object deliveries. Serve as local reporter and webmaster with office at The Centre and recieves salary based on skills and performance.

Education Director : Johan DawsonPerferred (former)career/major/aspiration: education; psychology/philiosphy; family/knowledge aspiration. 
Ensure a quality education system for residents. Manages the school and curriculm, serves as liason with the apprenticeship guild, manages the apprenticeship guild's curriculm. Recieves salary and residence at the teacher's house.

Pastoral Director : Lyndon Humphrey
Perferred (former)career/major/aspiration: education; psychology/philiosphy; family aspiration. 
Serve as pastor of the hood's church, maintain the church and cemetary. Oversee the spiritual health of the hood. Recieves salary based on skills and performance.

Security Director: Tobi SweenyPerferred (former)career/major/aspiration: law enforcement/military; psychology; family aspiration. 
Prevent criminality, solve local conflicts, manage domestic security. Serve as local police officer with office at The Centre and recieves salary based on skills and performance.
HOOD COUNCIL NOTESRead the council members' public notes or read the latest in council meeting minutes.
Past Council Members
Fall 2004: Rachel Dawson[P], Leigh Sweeny [FD], Cassandra Underwood [CP]
Winter 2004:
Trent Saki [P], Sophia J Sweeny [FD], Solange Underwood [CP]Fall 2005: Harmony Pierce [P], Madison Bard/Maria Dawson [FD], Selena Herendez [CP] Winter 2005: Pao Pierce [P], Samuel Kent [FD], Margurita Pierce [CP]Spring 2006: Alia Kent[P], Anissa Herendez [FD], Avery Wilsonoff [CP]Winter 2007: Ayanna Kent [P], Ka'obi Sweeny [FD], Leroy Mendenhall [CP]

Hood Fees, Taxes & Welfare

Hood Fees & Taxes
Income Tax/simweek §                                  750
Business Tax/simweek §                               1,000
Adoption Fee §                               2,000
Birth/Adoption Filing Fee §                                  250
Marriage Filing Fee §                                  500
Wedding Fee - The Centre
ceremony/cake & punch reception
 §                               1,000
Wedding Fee - ceremony only
The Central Core Park/Farmer's Market/Memorial Church/The Centre
 §                                  500
Funeral Fee - flowers/grave §                               1,000
Divorce Filing Fee §                               1,000
Immigration Fee §                                  500
Emmigration Fee §                                  500
The Centre Party Room Rental §                               1,000
AVA School:child/simweek §                                  500
Pierce Apprenticeship Guild Fee(includes Entrance/Exit Fee, tution, diploma and photo, room & board) §                               3,000
1st Offense Harrasment: public fighting/vandalism/newspaper theft §                               1,000
2nd Offense Harrasment: public fighting/vandalism/newspaper theft §                               2,000
3rd Offense Harrasment: public fighting/vandalism/newspaper theft §                               5,000

Hood Welfare
Pension, OFB/simweek§                                   1,000
One-Time Support§                                  1,000
Hood Council/ Education Director Salary§                                 1,000
Pastoral Salary§                                     500

Medical/Community Fees
Broken Limb§                                   1,500
IVF Treatment§                                  5,000
Induced Labor§                                   2,500
Consulation with Doctor§                                    100
Plastic Surgery/per part§                                   3,000



 Beginning Simday 15
 # Households                    15
# Sims                   53
# Businesses                    6

Ending Simday15
 # Households                 10
# Sims35
# Businesses5

Income Tax §     10,500.00
Business Tax §       6,000.00
AVA Fees §       2,000.00
Admin Fees:
Birth, Marriage, Funeral, Divorce, Immigration, Adoption, Emmigration
 §     18,000.00
Pierce Apprenticeship Guild Fees: §                -  
**Rebuilding Efforts §   250,000.00

Hood Council, Pastoral, Principal, Hood President
 §    8,500.00
Welfare: OFB Pensions §              -  
Education: Open House §       500.00
Blessed Harvest Day §    5,000.00
Hood Beautification §    3,000.00
*Rebuilding Efforts § 300,000.00

*Land Purchase, Construction of Civic Lots
**Aid from SimNation Government

Prior Balance §     59,750.00
Total Income §   286,500.00
Total Expense §   317,000.00
Cash Flow-§     30,500.00
Current Account §     29,250.00

Behind The Scenes

Need help managing your own hood? Here are a few things we at Apple Valley use to keep track of our residents and thier data.
Hood Template excel : includes the following
Random Resident Information based from (lifeofasim2 on
Random Occurance based from Jade, of Isle of Thyme
Resident Information: Includes traits on each resident
Hood Information Database: Includes census, budget and law information
Family Tree Template excel
Tutorial for Creating a Custom Hood text From Jade, of Isle of Thyme,

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