Sunday, February 25, 2007

I am here, here am I

I have moved to Apple Valley. No longer do I call Simborough home. Things have been so rushed that I am not settled into my new hood and doubt that I will be for some time. I think we arrived at the worst possible moment. The current simday is almost over and the hood will be shutting down for extensive repairs, thankfully the hood is signing the new deal, so that means I will be able to find a job on the next simday (simFriday should be when the new deal is signed).

I have not seen many men yet, but then again I haven't gone out of the boarding house much. Sandy's new puppy makes so much noise. I wonder how she was able to bring the animal in the house, the rules are strict-no pets allowed.

The boarding house has mostly older sims and one other woman our age-no men. She said that the single men in the hood live at thier family's home to save more money, or because they are to inherit the homes. She promised to introduce me to Johan, she said that he likes science almost as much as I do. He is her cousin and works at the hospital downtown. That would be nice to meet a nice guy.

The hood is very small compared to Simborough and I miss my family. Thankfully there is a telescope on the campus grounds, so I look at the stars every night. Sandy said I should be careful unless I wanted to be captured. I can not wait until we get our own place, I do not like sharing a room with Sandy and her barking dog.

to siminity and beyond

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