Monday, July 18, 2016

Path, 2020

Hapar, spring, 2020
Anthony is 38, Susie is 34, Robin is 13, Starling is 11 and Palila is 10. Olivia Humphrey is 14, Vivienne Humphrey is 13 and Jasper Humphrey is 5.

With eight mouths to feed, decreasing student enrollment and pay freezes, it seemed like the Wren family was always one step ahead of an utter breakdown.

They still made sure to let the children know that they were loved, severely, intoxicatedly, loved. 

For Jasper's birthday, Olivia made a cake under the watchful eye of Susie. She was showing more interest in cooking and now that she was 14, she was officially hired at Flora & Scents. 

She mostly cleaned the shop but she was also responsible for some of the simple floral arrangements. With the official job came an official paycheck and Olivia always brought home her salary. Anthony and Susie long stopped trying to refuse it. She would always find a way to tuck simoleans into a purse or pocket. Now they had an arrangement, becuase Olivia was "too busy" to go to the store, she would leave a very short list of items she wanted and asked them to buy something for the other kids as well. 

Instead, Anthony would take a large portion of the tiny paycheck and deposit it into the bank. For her future, he said. Olivia didn't talk much about a future, she really just wanted a nice simple family without any drama and enough money not to be hungry again. Things like university and careers were not something she daydreamed about.

Robin has started her training. After a few basic lessons, they leave her for a little while to decide which path she would follow. Robin decides to pursue the path of darkness. It frightened Susie, who wanted to convince her to change her orientation. 

Anthony was the voice of reason, he said that the world needs a balance of good and evil and that standing in her way is useless. However it does little to comfort Susie and she still worried. Anthony reminds her that all dark power isn't always used to cause bad,  just as all light power doesn't cause good. 

He reminds her that darkness can be used for good to stop others who are of a greater evil. Besides, one can't cure the world with an abundance of butterflies alone.

Their focus is quickly changed when Vivenne wakes them up one morning so excited. She had a dream that they found gold in the backyard and insist that they dig that very day. There wasn't anything to lose by digging, so they take turns in the backyard. They dig for hours and are about to give up when Anthony finds heavy chest with old gold coins. 

It ends up being worth $5000. With the funds they are able to add bedroom for Jasper and expand the bathroom and pay overdue bills that have threatened for repo. Anthony can't help but wonder if maybe Vivienne has powers as well? 


  1. I am so glad that you are still doing this! Just so you know, some of the side-link more info sites are down. I hope you can get them up and running because they have so much great info for people getting started with FSBS and s2s gameplay. In fact, there was just a discussion on MTS about it.

    1. Anon, I updated the links-thanks for the heads up. Those websites were so old and it seems like that provider isn't around anymore. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  2. I wouldn't be too worried about Robin's choice of path. Anthony is right about balance - in Kulo Seeri, my shamans use what EA terms "evil" spells to cast out demons and protect the tribe, and anyone, regardless of what path they're following, risks losing their powers if they use them for selfish or trivial purposes.

    Perhaps all the magic in the Wren household is rubbing off on Vivienne? It's great that they have had this windfall - they really need it with such a full house. :)

    1. I'm glad you explained how it works in your hood. When Robin rolled the want to be evil I didn't know how to write it at first. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  3. I'm catching up and since I'm so behind I just decided to jump right in on the latest post lol. I love how responsible Olivia is being, some teens would have been selfish and not cared about the good of the family as a whole. You put out good vibes and you'll find chests of gold!

    1. Welcome back Jen! Olivia has changed since her father went to jail, so now her family aspiration is in overdrive. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  4. Anthony and Susie do need the extra money, however Olivia's paycheck is tiny at the moment. I'm not sure how much use it will be for Olivia once she's older, but even $1000 is better than $0. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  5. Wow, I can definitely see Susie's point of view re: Robin! I don't think I'd find Anthony's comments particularly comforting as well, though I hope he turns out to be right.

    Not too many families more deserving of that $5000 than Susie and Anthony! I'm so glad they got that little windfall and made such good use of it.

    1. This family could catch a break. I'm hoping they used the remaining money to treat themselves to something nice since living paycheck to paycheck isn't fun. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  6. I'm with Susie! I would be freak out if my daughter chose the path of darkness too! I feel a bit better knowing that it can be used for good too, I'm very green when it comes to the magic in the game.

    What a relief that Vivienne had that dream and it turned out to be real! That is a nice chunk of money, and paying off debtors has got to be a mega relief. I'm glad that the family works together and uses these trials to grow in their love and maintain hope.

    1. They do seem so happy and willing to work through all the trials of life so easily right? Without arguments or outbursts due to may be time to change things Thanks for reading and commenting


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