Saturday, February 13, 2010

Scientific Seduction, 2005

Patar, summer, 2005
Johan is 44, Jadhira is 43, Myra and Naraj are 10, Udar is 1

"You look amazing," Johan complimented his wife as she strolled towards him. He wouldn't dare admit that he thought her hairstyle make her look a little frumpy, especially not tonight.

"Thank you. You look pretty nice yourself." She replied, touching his shoulder.
Johan led her upstairs to the rooftop resturaunt. Jadhira swooned a little as she stepped into the place. She heard great reviews about The Observatory, but she never thought penny pinching Johan would bring her to such a place.

The host showed them to their table and Johan ordered two glasses of wine as well as some champagne.

"It's our fiftenth anniversary," he explained to the server.

Jadhira smiled as the two flutes arrived. She was on cloud nine, no cloud fourteen at least. The kids were at home with the sitter, she was dressed up and the view of the metro surrounded her.

"Here's the to last fifteen simyears," Johan lifted his glass to her. "May our next fifteen simyears be as happy."

"How is your coursework going?" Johan asked as they waited for their dinner salads.

"It's going well."

"Have you decided on a focus yet?"

"I told you my focus when I started the program."

"Did you?"

Jadhira rolled her eyes. "I did, remember. I said that I was enrolling in the Applied Sciences program."

"Oh," Johan had the decendy to blush. He needed to focus more on his wife. "Um, how is coursework going?"

"It's going well, especially since it just started. I have a book I need to read and then a paper discussing the book. We're going to chat online about the book after we turn in our papers."

Johan nodded, then his ears perked as the soft strains of their favorite song floated through the air.

"Would you mind?"

"Not at all."
Jadhira easily forgot about Johan lasp of memory as she swayed in his arms. It had been fifteen simyears since they said their i-do's in the tropics, which meant it had been almost twenty simyears since she had left her native Simborough for Apple Valley in search of a husband.

The simyears had changed them. There were a few more wrinkles, extra pounds in certain places and three children that clamoured for their attention. However, sometimes on nights like tonight, Jadhira felt like she was still that young woman whose heart beat faster as her beloved discussed the scientific therory behind the social habits of llamas.

"I arranged for dessert to be in our room," Johan whispered to her as they broke their embrace.

"Really?" Jadhira asked giddly. "Wait, how are you paying for this? I don't see you splurging for everything that's been going on tonight."

Johan blushed, was he really that cheap? "Um, a student gave me a gift card."

"Well thank goodness, otherwise we would be eating a hotdog in the park."

"How did you know that was the original plan?"
Johan swung his wife on the bed not too gently. He wasn't the strongest sim in the hood and Jadhira wasn't the lightest sim either-again, something he knew better than to mention aloud.

"So, do you wanna..."

Jadhira giggled. Johan would always ask permission, no matter how long they've been together. She expected that he would still be asking her permission after their golden anniversary.
"Of course, I assume that's what the room is for."

Johan grinned and pulled her closer.

"I read an interesting article today."


"Yes, it was about the effect of the environment on the hormone levels of llamas."

"Ooo, do tell." She murmered her skin growing warmer.

"They think," Johan continued while placing soft kisses on her face. "that as the level of polluntants in the water rise..."
By the time Johan had sufficently summarized the article the couple was entangled in each other.

"Look! It's a skipe!"

"A what?" Myra turned to see what Naraj was pointing at.

"I don't see a-"

Instead of a skipe, Myra got a faceful of water from her her brother's water balloon.

"Ooh, I'm so gonna get you soaked!" she screamed chasing him with her own water balloon.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the camp with us?" Johan asked as the family enjoyed bowls of chilled cucumber soup.

"I'm positive. My paper is due the week after camp and I doubt I would be able to get much work done surrounded by children."

Johan sighed. He was trying desperately to get another adult to go to camp with him, but his luck didn't allow for it. So far it was just him and Si'Enya whom he hired as counselor for the camp.

After the children were sleeping in their beds, Johan settled at his wife's feet on the floor.

"Do you think it's odd that we spend our quality time in the same room, but not with each other?"

"I don't think it's anymore odd than the fact that my talking about scientific journals turns you on. Speaking of which, I read an interesting article today about the double moons' effect on-"

"Johan, please," Jadhira pleaded. "I have to finish this paper."

Johan nodded and returned to his book.

"Their effect on what?" Jadhira asked with a sly grin.
For some reason Johan wants another baby and the want refuses to roll away. I think Jadhira would have some serious issues if he were to bring it up, so thankfully he hasn't.

Jadhira is starting the associate's degree program in Applied Sciences. She just started her skill building-she needs four logic skill points before she can move onto level 2 and start building points for her CIE.


  1. They've been together for a long time, and I'm glad to see that they are still happy together!

  2. I love how scientific talk turns Jadhira on! Too funny!

    Is your degree program new to Apple Valley or something you've always done? If it's new, will all of your old Sims have to study up or are you going to "grandfather" them in?

  3. -Riverdale, thankfully they're one of my boring couples which is refreshing with all the drama and hardship going on lately.

    -Carla, glad you got the joke. The associate's degree program is rather new-you should recognize your baby ;p. I've been detailing the educational process for Apple Valley in the behind the scenes blog. Most of the sims are grandfathered in unless they want to change careers/get promoted. Jadhira for example, doesn't have a bachelor's degree and she would like to switch to the science industry from the journalism track. She can only advance to the 3rd science level with her new degree. While her hubby, Johan, is a school principal (requires an advanced degree). If he wants to advance in his career he will need to get an advanced degree since he already holds a bachelor's degree.

  4. I got a kick out of Jadhira being all turned on by Johan's science talk. That was so clever and geeky! I love it! I'm pulling for her to complete her goals.

    Your way of making up Maxis-ishian history, terms, facts, etc. is pretty darn impressive! If I've never told you that before...well, I'm saying it now. You always have a great knack of coming up with game-related explanations and absurdities. If you ever notice that I've stolen some of it, just know I'm too lazy to think of something on my own...and it keeps a flow between FSBS hoods, right? Okaaay? LOL!

  5. -SH, thanks. I have to remember nerds are sexy too, I should know-hubby and I are nerds ;p

    Don't worry steal away. I actually find the maxis universe quite quirky and fun.

  6. I don't thinks Jadhira hairstyle for the date made her look frumpy. I liked it, it went really well with her outfit.


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