How were they supposed to know how quickly life could change. They had been through some gloriously boring times in their lives and now they longed for those times. Anything to keep their mind off of her. They focused on each other,
Lyndon and Gretchen were enjoying their empty nest. They had moved to a smaller patio home near Anthony and Susie and it was the perfect size for them.
I was wondering about the differences in parenting and how to add more dimension to my hood, not every parent treats their children like Cliff and Claire Huxtable. In my game, the parenting styles have no value judgment for the most part. Parents can love their children, but still have different parenting styles. Now that the parenting disclaimers are out the way and we understand this applies to a game, a quick preview:
Abel worked hard most of the spring getting the nursery ready. New windows replaced the drafty ones, stripped walls were covered with painted and the floors were refinished.
Patar, summer, 2017 Bill is 33, Emma is 32, Jacob is 11 and Abigal is 10. optional soundtrack-The Worst, Jhene Aiko narrated by Emma Warning: language....lots and lots of foul language
My boss and I had an important client meeting. For some reason he thought that it would be a good time to tell me that we can't see each other anymore.