Thursday, November 19, 2009

Emergency County Council Meeting, Givar 2004

Givar, winter, 2004
Fiona called the meeting to order. The tone was a mix of great concern and excitement.

"We have no choice anymore, we have to move by the end of the simyear to the combined neighborhood map. I thought the illness was contained, but it's spreading and getting worse. Thank goodness the weather has been fair for the construction."

"Did we ever find a constructor?"
"Yes, ClicknPyscho constructed the final combined terrain map, I've done a sweep of everything and things will be fine."

"How much money do you think we will need to finish the construction?"

"Constructing is going to be expensive, just think about the expenses after the great flood. It will be comparable to that."

"Thankfully we have plenty of affiliates willing to help. I've already secured two substaincial donations from affliates."

"From the financial reports, I'm sure there is still some money left, but we will probably have to resort to a loan. We also have to notify the residents about the move."


  1. If you still need donations, SH will be glad to help. Just have your Financial Director contact Nick Michels.

  2. Is that Rebecca with the new haircut!? Wow. If it looks great!

  3. -Riverdale, the jump bug, Rojo's strange glitch and other glitches happening. Strange stuff, not hack related though :\

    -SH, Thanks, Rebecca will contact Nick shortly. Yes, that's Rebecca, she rolled the ROS for 'get a makeover', I like the cut and color. I might have to do the same :)


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