Saturday, January 16, 2010

County Council Meeting 2005

Hapar, spring, 2005

Fiona called the meeting to order on the chilly afternoon. She almost canceled the meeting due to sickness. She wondered if that would actually be true. Can you call a pregnancy a sickness? The symptoms were sickening-the constant vomiting, the fatigue and the gas, eww. She had to postpone her trip due to the pregnancy. She didn't mind, in fact, she took the opportunity to change the trip around a bit. Instead of the beach house, she would be flying out to the snowy mountains. The news was still fresh, simhours fresh. She still had to make an appointment to check up on the baby, but that wasn't today. Today was the county council meeting.

"As you all know, the deadline for submissions for the 2005 election has passed. There were no new submissions, which means the current county council stays in place. Does any member of the council object?"

The faces around the table were silent.

"Alright, moving on. Rebecca, would you mind sharing your proposal concerning taxes?" she asked, as another wave of nausea swept over her.

The small group turned to the financial director. The stress on her face was obvious, but she gave a reassuring smile.

"I suggest assessing taxes each simyear instead of every 3rd simyear. That way, residents can pay smaller bills and the county's revenue will increase. This will free up more funds for many important projects."

"It makes sense," Carmela commented. "Residents continue to receive their salaries each simyear, while the county council must wait for revenue every 3rd simyear. Will this alter the quality of living for residents by assessing taxes more frequently?"

"It will probably cause the economic gap to close, but it shouldn't alter the quality of living too much."

"How soon can we assess the taxes? The medical centre has several needs that can be met if we have more funding."

"The academy also has some pressing needs due to the predicted influx of students."

"We could assess taxes this summer, after the Apple Festival. "

"Speaking of the Apple Festival, have we decided on a location for the events? Depending on the venue, I will have to make various modifications."

"I think holding the event at Dimensional Park in the Metro would be a nice change. There's a ice-skating rink and sound stage already there. What changes would need to be made to that location?"

"I suggest a complete overhaul of the sound stage and ice-rink. Right now, the park is a bit crowded with the rink in the back, but if we utilize the vertical space and put the ice-skating on top of the sound stage, then we can fit more sims in the sound stage and even alter the plans such that the sound stage is protected from the elements."
"I would love to see the plans of the modifications," Fiona added. "Please submit them as soon as possible. Now that Jorge is here, I would like to change the topic of discussion. Jorge, please find a seat."

"I will work on the plans right now," Li volunteered. "Jorge, you can have my seat."

"Jorge is going to present his proposal that will both meet the need for hood security as well as provide a means to increase the population of the hood."

"Increase the population? Why would we want to increase the population?"

"Julio, you of all sims should see the benefit to increasing the population. Currently, Apple County is a family friendly place to raise a family, however it has gotten to the point where most of the residents are related to each other. The hood needs fresh DNA if we are to continue our existence."

"Currently, the only way that residents have been introducing new DNA is by asking relatives to move to Apple County or marrying aboard."

"My proposal is that we hire a promising officer from the military academy and build a military base in Apple County. Not only will the officer's family immigrate, but the military base will also serve as an opportunity for other recruits and officers to reside in Apple County."

"Sounds great," Rebecca added.

"I've been in contact with the council at Simmington Hills and if we approve of the military base, then the two hoods could potentially recruit together at the military academy."

"I see no reason to hold off on this decision," Fiona remarked. "Move forward with the plans."

"I will do that."

"Any other remarks before we close the meeting?" She looked around the room, "Alright, meeting concluded."
Fiona is pregnant. I don't know when it happened, but it did. I think the new ACR had something to do with it. Fiona's ideal family size is 3 while Jesse's ideal size is 4, so perhaps they decided to try for one more.
Have your sims ever surprised you with something big, be it a pregnancy or new found love interest?


  1. What an interesting idea to introduce fresh blood into the neighborhood. Right now, I make international students from scratch using Bodyshop who started out in college. It is fun to make sims based on actual photos of people around the world.

  2. -SimCitizen, I like that idea of adding international students during university. I recently moved the university to the main hood and am experimenting with that.

  3. I knew Fiona was pregnant! LOL! That had to be a huge surprise, seeing that you don't know when it happened. LOL! That happened to me with Tomika (pregnant w/SayJ)..she spun around one night after getting off from work. I had no idea. There was no sign of it at all; no nausea, energy/hunger loss - nuthin.

  4. -SH, Yea, Fiona's pregnancy was a surprise. I should have expected it since Jesse's ideal family size is 4 and Fiona's is 3. The new ACR ahs them breeding like bunnies! Fiona's not thrilled about the pregnancy, we can say that for sure.

  5. I love seeing your council meetings. It's a really clever way to talk about your gameplay stuff.

    And another baby for Fiona! Jesse and Fiona's kids are so cute, so I can't wait to see this one.

  6. -Carla, I'm excited about the newest Kent as well. I had a dream that they had another set of twins and you can imagine the uproar Fiona caused. Sounds of "you better not do this to me" echoed in my head all day.

  7. I thought Fiona was pregnant when she passed on the wine. I agree, your council meetings are clever and quite interesting to read. It looks like they will be spending that money up right fast! The military base idea to bring in new folks is a great idea.

  8. -Maisie, Thanks! It's hard protraying what happens behind the scenes in a FSBS language-thankfully I have the other blog for that.


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