Monday, May 25, 2015

Hood Council Meeting, 2018

Remar, summer, 2018


The hood council was able to meet in the brand new administration building however this meeting wasn't a pleasant one.

The hood's economy was in shambles,

stock prices were falling and sims were losing their jobs.

Jobs were scare and companies were afraid of hiring.

The only options were to try and stimulate the economy through subsidies for companies and increased welfare benefits for residents that needed them most.

The hood council was being protested and mocked in the news everyday and it was not an enviable position to be in.


  1. Wow, really tough times in Apple Valley! Hopefully, the Hood Council's plan will help turn things back around.

    1. It's my first time playing this ROS for the hood and having it effect so many sims, I'm hoping that they can come out spared :)

  2. Yes, sounds difficult. Sounds a little like real life, but like Carla I hope the council's plan helps.

    1. We shall see, a lot of sims will be needing the extra help.

  3. I really like this storyline! Though I feel bad for the Hood Council, it's not an easy position to be in, and gets a lot of blame from the citizens. I hope that their ideas help out, and AV is back on the ups soon.

    1. It's always the government's fault, right :) I could see the sims of AV being angry about the state of the economy and directing that anger towards the hood council.


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