Thursday, March 22, 2007


O dear o dear o dear!!! I was talking to Elle about the repairs and she interupted me and said that she wished her son was interested in me since I "have so much potential and intelligence". Yikes! I hope Sandy doesn't find out! She would be furious if she knew! I mean, Sandy's not dumb or anything-just a bit passionate about other things. She means well, besides I'm not interested in Sazo...right? o dear o dear o dear! I can't be! We have nothing in common, I much rather like what I hear about Johan, plus when calling the residents to collect thier data, I heard his voice. He Also, he has a lot more skills than Sazo and he's interested in the medical community. Already he's a nurse and his mother is the Chief of Staff. I hope to be able to have dinner with them, I bet the conversation wouldn't be about nonsense about stocks and bonds, but health and science and how we can better the world for our fellow sim. I know that I will never be anything as significant as the Chief of Staff, but I'm willing to learn...even if my lack of skills leave much to the imagination. Why o why did I drop out of university?!?!? There was so much more to learn, to experience. *sigh*

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